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How to Upgrade BarTender Software Editions & Licences

Edition Upgrades

Move up to a more advanced edition of BarTender (for example, upgrade from a 10 Printer Automation edition to a 10 Printer Enterprise Automation edition). If the end-user is not on the current version of BarTender, a version update is required before an edition upgrade can be made.

  • Upgrade Automation to Enterprise Automation
  • Upgrade Professional to Enterprise Automation
  • Upgrade Basic to Enterprise Automation
  • Upgrade Professional to Automation
  • Upgrade Basic to Automation
  • Upgrade Basic to Professional

Printer Add-on Upgrades

Increase the number of printers licensed for use with the Automation or Enterprise Automation editions of BarTender. Printer add-ons are available until the “End of Support” date listed below and depend on an end-users version of BarTender.

  • Upgrade Automation from 3 Printers to 5, 10, 15, 20 or more Printers
  • Upgrade Automation from 5 Printers to 10, 15, 20 or more Printers
  • Upgrade Automation from 10 Printers to 15, 20 or more Printers
  • Upgrade Automation from 15 Printers to 20 or more Printers
  • Upgrade Enterprise Automation from 3 Printers to 5, 10, 15, 20 or more Printers
  • Upgrade Enterprise Automation from 5 Printer to 10, 15, 20 or more Printers
  • Upgrade Enterprise Automation from 10 Printers 15, 20 or more Printers
  • Upgrade Enterprise Automation from 15 Printers 20 or more Printers

Contact Us including the following information and we will provide a quote for the Upgrade. To find information on the current Licence, Version and Support Number, go to the Help menu within the BarTender Software and select the About option:

  1. Type of Upgrade required
  2. Licence
  3. Version
  4. Support Number

BarTender Software About Screen

Please note that for Version Updates, Edition Upgrades, Printer Add-on Upgrades, Maintenance Renewal and Software Maintenance Upgrades, the BarTender Software must be properly registered. Un-registered BarTender Software may have processing of any order delayed.

End of Sale and End of Support Dates

BarTender Version

 End of Sale Date

End of Support Date


June 1, 2014

June 1, 2016


October 1, 2015

October 1, 2017


November 1, 2017

November 1, 2019